Command Line Tools

The package installs two executable commands: for starting the catalog server; and a client for accessing catalogs and manipulating the configuration.


A file-based configuration service is available to Intake. This file is by default sought at the location ~/.intake/conf.yaml, but either of the environment variables INTAKE_CONF_DIR or INTAKE_CONF_FILE can be used to specify another directory or file. If both are given, the latter takes priority.

At present, the configuration file might look as follows:

  cls: "intake.auth.base.BaseAuth"
port: 5000
  - /home/myusername/special_dir

These are the defaults, and any parameters not specified will take the values above

  • the Intake Server will listen on port 5000 (this can be overridden on the command line, see below)

  • and the auth system used will be the fully qualified class given (which, for BaseAuth, always allows access).

See intake.config.defaults for a full list of keys and their default values.

Log Level

The logging level is configurable using Python’s built-in logging module.

The config option 'logging' holds the current level for the intake logger, and can take values such as 'INFO' or 'DEBUG'. This can be set in the conf.yaml file of the config directory (e.g., ~/.intake/), or overriden by the environment variable INTAKE_LOG_LEVEL.

Furthermore, the level and settings of the logger can be changed programmatically in code:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('intake')

Intake Server

The server takes one or more catalog files as input and makes them available on port 5000 by default.

You can see the full description of the server command with:

>>> intake-server --help

usage: intake-server [-h] [-p PORT] [--list-entries] [--sys-exit-on-sigterm]
                     [--flatten] [--no-flatten] [-a ADDRESS]
                     FILE [FILE ...]

Intake Catalog Server

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Name of catalog YAML file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port number for server to listen on
  --list-entries        list catalog entries at startup
                        internal flag used during unit testing to ensure
                        .coverage file is written
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        address to use as a host, defaults to the address in
                        the configuration file, if provided otherwise localhost
  usage: intake-server [-h] [-p PORT] [--list-entries] [--sys-exit-on-sigterm]
               [--flatten] [--no-flatten] [-a ADDRESS]
               FILE [FILE ...]

To start the server with a local catalog file, use the following:

>>> intake-server intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml
Creating catalog from:
  - intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml
catalog_args ['intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml']
Entries: entry1,entry1_part,use_example1
Listening on port 5000

You can use the catalog client (defined below) using:

$ intake list intake://localhost:5000

Intake Client

While the Intake data sources will typically be accessed through the Python API, you can use the client to verify a catalog file.

Unlike the server command, the client has several subcommands to access a catalog. You can see the list of available subcommands with:

>>> intake --help
usage: intake {list,describe,exists,get,discover} ...

We go into further detail in the following sections.


This subcommand lists the names of all available catalog entries. This is useful since other subcommands require these names.

If you wish to see the details about each catalog entry, use the --full flag. This is equivalent to running the intake describe subcommand for all catalog entries.

>>> intake list --help
usage: intake list [-h] [--full] URI

positional arguments:
  URI         Catalog URI

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
>>> intake list intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml
>>> intake list --full intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml
[entry1] container=dataframe
[entry1] description=entry1 full
[entry1] direct_access=forbid
[entry1] user_parameters=[]
[entry1_part] container=dataframe
[entry1_part] description=entry1 part
[entry1_part] direct_access=allow
[entry1_part] user_parameters=[{'default': '1', 'allowed': ['1', '2'], 'type': u'str', 'name': u'part', 'description': u'part of filename'}]
[use_example1] container=dataframe
[use_example1] description=example1 source plugin
[use_example1] direct_access=forbid
[use_example1] user_parameters=[]


Given the name of a catalog entry, this subcommand lists the details of the respective catalog entry.

>>> intake describe --help
usage: intake describe [-h] URI NAME

positional arguments:
  URI         Catalog URI
  NAME        Catalog name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
>>> intake describe intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml entry1
[entry1] container=dataframe
[entry1] description=entry1 full
[entry1] direct_access=forbid
[entry1] user_parameters=[]


Given the name of a catalog entry, this subcommand returns a key-value description of the data source. The exact details are subject to change.

>>> intake discover --help
usage: intake discover [-h] URI NAME

positional arguments:
  URI         Catalog URI
  NAME        Catalog name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
>>> intake discover intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml entry1
{'npartitions': 2, 'dtype': dtype([('name', 'O'), ('score', '<f8'), ('rank', '<i8')]), 'shape': (None,), 'datashape':None, 'metadata': {'foo': 'bar', 'bar': [1, 2, 3]}}


Given the name of a catalog entry, this subcommand returns whether or not the respective catalog entry is valid.

>>> intake exists --help
usage: intake exists [-h] URI NAME

positional arguments:
  URI         Catalog URI
  NAME        Catalog name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
>>> intake exists intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml entry1
>>> intake exists intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml entry2


Given the name of a catalog entry, this subcommand outputs the entire data source to standard output.

>>> intake get --help
usage: intake get [-h] URI NAME

positional arguments:
  URI         Catalog URI
  NAME        Catalog name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
>>> intake get intake/catalog/tests/catalog1.yml entry1
       name  score  rank
0    Alice1  100.5     1
1      Bob1   50.3     2
2  Charlie1   25.0     3
3      Eve1   25.0     3
4    Alice2  100.5     1
5      Bob2   50.3     2
6  Charlie2   25.0     3
7      Eve2   25.0     3

Config and Cache

CLI functions starting with intake cache and intake config are available to provide information about the system: the locations and value of configuration parameters, and the state of cached files.