Base Classes

This is a reference API class listing, useful mainly for developers.

intake.source.base.DataSourceBase(*args, ...)

An object which can produce data

intake.source.base.DataSource(*args, **kwargs)

A Data Source will all optional functionality

intake.catalog.Catalog(*args, **kwargs)

Manages a hierarchy of data sources as a collective unit.

intake.catalog.entry.CatalogEntry(*args, ...)

A single item appearing in a catalog

intake.catalog.local.UserParameter(*args, ...)

A user-settable item that is passed to a DataSource upon instantiation.

intake.source.derived.AliasSource(*args, ...)

Refer to another named source, unmodified


class intake.source.base.DataSource(*args, **kwargs)

A Data Source will all optional functionality

When subclassed, child classes will have the base data source functionality, plus caching, plotting and persistence abilities.


Accessor for HVPlot methods. See Plotting for more details.

class intake.catalog.Catalog(*args, **kwargs)

Manages a hierarchy of data sources as a collective unit.

A catalog is a set of available data sources for an individual entity (remote server, local file, or a local directory of files). This can be expanded to include a collection of subcatalogs, which are then managed as a single unit.

A catalog is created with a single URI or a group of URIs. A URI can either be a URL or a file path.

Each catalog in the hierarchy is responsible for caching the most recent refresh time to prevent overeager queries.


Arbitrary information to carry along with the data source specs.


Create a new instance of this source with altered arguments

Enables the picking of options and re-evaluating templates from any user-parameters associated with this source, or overriding any of the init arguments.

Returns a new data source instance. The instance will be recreated from the original entry definition in a catalog if this source was originally created from a catalog.


Open resource and populate the source attributes.


Create a Catalog of a subset of entries based on a condition


This function operates on CatalogEntry objects not DataSource objects.


Note that, whatever specific class this is performed on, the return instance is a Catalog. The entries are passed unmodified, so they will still reference the original catalog instance and include its details such as directory,.


This should take a CatalogEntry and return True or False. Those items returning True will be included in the new Catalog, with the same entry names


New catalog with Entries that still refer to their parents


Imperative reload data now

classmethod from_dict(entries, **kwargs)

Create Catalog from the given set of entries


A mapping of name:entry which supports dict-like functionality, e.g., is derived from

kwargspassed on the constructor

Things like metadata, name; see __init__.

Catalog instance

Create a new instance of this source with altered arguments

Enables the picking of options and re-evaluating templates from any user-parameters associated with this source, or overriding any of the init arguments.

Returns a new data source instance. The instance will be recreated from the original entry definition in a catalog if this source was originally created from a catalog.


Get an iterator over (key, source) tuples for the catalog entries.


Entry names in this catalog as an iterator (alias for __iter__)


Remove entry from catalog and return it

This relies on the _entries attribute being mutable, which it normally is. Note that if a catalog automatically reloads, any entry removed here may soon reappear


Key to give the entry in the cat


Reload catalog if sufficient time has passed

save(url, storage_options=None)

Output this catalog to a file as YAML


Location to save to, perhaps remote


Extra arguments for the file-system


Produce YAML version of this catalog.

Note that this is not the same as .yaml(), which produces a YAML block referring to this catalog.


Get an iterator over the sources for catalog entries.

walk(sofar=None, prefix=None, depth=2)

Get all entries in this catalog and sub-catalogs

sofar: dict or None

Within recursion, use this dict for output

prefix: list of str or None

Names of levels already visited

depth: int

Number of levels to descend; needed to truncate circular references and for cleaner output

Dict where the keys are the entry names in dotted syntax, and the
values are entry instances.
class intake.catalog.entry.CatalogEntry(*args, **kwargs)

A single item appearing in a catalog

This is the base class, used by local entries (i.e., read from a YAML file) and by remote entries (read from a server).


Get a dictionary of attributes of this entry.

Returns: dict with keys
name: str

The name of the catalog entry.


kind of container used by this data source


Markdown-friendly description of data source


Mode of remote access: forbid, allow, force


List of user parameters defined by this entry


Open the data source.

Equivalent to calling the catalog entry like a function.


Values for user-configurable parameters for this data source

property plots

List custom associated quick-plots

class intake.catalog.local.UserParameter(*args, **kwargs)

A user-settable item that is passed to a DataSource upon instantiation.

For string parameters, default may include special functions func(args), which may be expanded from environment variables or by executing a shell command.

name: str

the key that appears in the DataSource argument strings

description: str

narrative text

type: str

one of list (COERSION_RULES)

default: type value

same type as type. It a str, may include special functions env, shell, client_env, client_shell.

min, max: type value

for validation of user input

allowed: list of type

for validation of user input


Information about this parameter

expand_defaults(client=False, getenv=True, getshell=True)

Compile env, client_env, shell and client_shell commands


Does value meet parameter requirements?

class intake.source.derived.AliasSource(*args, **kwargs)

Refer to another named source, unmodified

The purpose of an Alias is to be able to refer to other source(s) in the same catalog or an external catalog, perhaps leaving the choice of which target to load up to the user. This source makes no sense outside of a catalog.

The “target” for an aliased data source will normally be a string. In the simple case, it is the name of a data source in the same catalog. However, we use the syntax “catalog:source” to refer to sources in other catalogs, where the part before “:” will be passed to intake.open_catalog, together with any keyword arguments from cat_kwargs.

In this case, the output of the target source is not modified, but this class acts as a prototype ‘derived’ source for processing the output of some standard driver.

After initial discovery, the source’s container and other details will be updated from the target; initially, the AliasSource container is not any standard.


Open resource and populate the source attributes.


Load entire dataset into a container and return it


Return iterator over container fragments of data source


Return a part of the data corresponding to i-th partition.

By default, assumes i should be an integer between zero and npartitions; override for more complex indexing schemes.


Return a dask container for this data source

class intake.source.base.Schema