
Here we list links to notebooks and other code demonstrating the use of Intake in various scenarios. The first section is of general interest to various users, and the sections that follow tend to be more specific about particular features and workflows.

Many of the entries here include a link to Binder, which a service that lest you execute code live in a notebook environment. This is a great way to experience using Intake. It can take a while, sometimes, for Binder to come up; please have patience.

See also the examples repository, containing data-sets which can be built and installed as conda packages.


  • Basic Data scientist workflow: using Intake [Static] [Executable].

  • Workflow for creating catalogs: a Data Engineer’s approach to Intake [Static] [Executable]


Tutorials delving deeper into the Internals of Intake, for those who wish to contribute


More specific examples of Intake functionality

